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Bake Me A Wish!
Gifting Rewards Program
$1 spent = 1 point

It's easy! You earn 1 point for ever $1.00 spent. For more info, see your Gifting Rewards dashboard.
5 Dollars Off Reward Icon
100 Points
10 Dollars Off Reward Icon
250 Points
15 Dollars Off Reward Icon
500 Points
20 Dollars Off Reward Icon
800 Points

Gifting has never been more exciting with our Rewards Program and we’ve just taken the savings to a whole new level! Introducing our VIP REWARDS: for a fresh way to save even more on your next gift purchase.
We’re making it even easier to earn those Wish Points!


Your total earned wish points are now calculated into a special savings tier, as seen in the chart below. When you have enough wish points, you’ll automatically be enrolled into the first VIP tier and receive 1.5x the points for every purchase! You can earn up to 2.5x wish points for every dollar you spend.

More Wish Points = More Rewards

For birthdays and more, it’s easy to send them what they’re wishing for!

DISCLAIMER: Wish Points are earned through qualifying purchases on, exclusive of shipping fees. Every $1 spent = 1 Wish Point. Wish Points can then be redeemed for rewards as stated on Only one reward can be redeemed per purchase. Once Wish Points are converted, a reward cannot be returned or reimbursed, even if the purchase is cancelled/refunded. A reward coupon cannot be combined with another promotional code. Points cannot be redeemed for cash and cannot be traded, transferred, copied, bought, sold or bartered. Your Wish Points never expire. We at Bake Me A Wish! reserve the right to modify program rules at any point or to cancel or suspend this program at any time. Gifting rewards are not available for corporate clients or wholesale partners.


What are Gifting Rewards?

Gifting Rewards is our customer membership program, which entitles our members to earn special rewards and perks through the accumulation of Wish Points.

How do I get started with Gifting Rewards?

You simply create an account on our site. When you arrive at your dashboard you will see "View my Gifting Rewards" tab. This is your Rewards Dashboard.

Is there a fee to join your Rewards program?

No, it's entirely complimentary! You simply have to create an online account at to be eligible to earn Wish Points.

How do I earn Wish Points?

You earn 1 Wish Point for ever $1.00 you spend. You can also earn points by referring friends and family or leaving a product review. For more info, see your Rewards Dashboard.

Do my Wish Points expire?

No, Wish Points will never expire.

I think I'm missing points from previous purchases.

Our Gifting Rewards porogram was launched on July 29th, 2017. Any orders placed prior to launch were not counted toward redeemable points as the program did not exist. However, based on recent previous purchases, you may have received the corresponding points.

Can I opt out of emails?

Yes, you can unsubscribe from receiving marketing communications by clicking the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of our emails. That link will take you to a page where you can opt out of marketing emails from Bake Me a Wish. You will no longer receive special offers from us. You cannot opt out of receiving order/shipping confirmation emails.

Do I receive a membership card?

No, everything is done online. We like trees.

How can I view my account summary?

Every month you will be emailed an account summary. In addition, you can log into the Rewards dashboard and see your points and history.

What happens when I want a refund on a product purchased with points?

Any purchase that requires reimbursment and used a reward, will not see the reward amount returned or refunded.

How do I become a VIP?

It's Simple! Start making purchases on our website to earn 1 point per dollar. We also offer non-purchase methods to earn point ssuch as referring a friend or leaving a review. You automatically become a VIP after 500 points.

When will I earn the next tier?

Check your personal rewards page for VIP thresholds and your current point level. You can view your rewards page after you log in.

What do I get for becoming a rewards memeber?

In addition to earning increased points, you'll be put on a special list for each tier that allow you to access exclusive features such as paying for Gifts with Points, Shipping for Pionts and much, much, more!